Saturday, June 22, 2013

Start Seeing Diversity With Art


  1. Very creative and very cute! I enjoyed all that you have going on in your creation. My favorite, if I had to pick would be the grey cat, with the mean mug, and his big, bright, green eyes.

  2. Crystal,
    Your script is very thought provoking! I asked myself a personal question, "What makes me heal?" Being a part of this course has lead me in the right direction. For an early childhood educator, I need to be more cultured, diverse and accepting of children and family differences. Being more open will help me to rapidly excel in this area. Thanks for your post!

  3. Crystal,

    I like your photo collage it reminds me as individuals we have to be open and none bias of the things that go on around us. We have to be sensitive to others beliefs, cultures, race and sexual orientations that's diversity.
